The Player Profiles

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Our Leader on the Battlefield:

Although our wise founder was (HC)Savior, he is not our leader on the battlefield.  This job belongs to (HC)Prev1lr.  His amazing leadership skills surpass anyone in our clan.  Not to mention is amazing skills with his trusy pistol.

Name: (HC)Preva1lr

Weapon: Pistol

Specialy: Pistol fights at any distance

Call Sing: HCpIstol

Halo Confederacy Leader (HC)Preav1lr

The Mexican Sharp Shooter

The Mexican Sniper is amazing in his art of sniping.  He is most effective when you least expect it.  This all started in Vietnam, the Vietnemese named in "white feather" beacause he had a white feather in his hat.  He was the most skilled sniper of his generation.

Name: (HC)Fez

Weapon: Sniper

Specialty: Head shots from long impossible distances

Call Sign: HCsnIper

Our Founder and Emotional Leader:

(HC)Savior is the man that founded the Halo Confederacy.  He is somewhat skilled with all of the weapons but is not the best at them for a long shot.  His main specialty is trash talking, which he is the most skilled at.  He is also useful at Boom Boom

Name: (HC)Savior

Weapon: Rockets

Specialty: Uncanny abilitry to be lured into Powerups : ) and pissing mike off without meening to

Call sign: HCartIllery

Our trusty mob member with all of the connections

And here is our very skilled mob leader, (HC)mayhem.  He is a master of the warthog and defencive maneuvers.  It is hard to explain his uncanny abilitry to be in the right spot at the right time, but he delivers perfection every time he is there.

Name: (HC)mayhem

Weapon: Shotgun

Specialty: Flags and many other thing

Call Sign: HCshoty


This is our newest clan member, HCTonyM.  He is not only skilled at driving the warthog, but he is the new flag aquiring master.  He's also good at pistol fights, shotgun dog fights, and sniper battles.

Name: (HC)TonyM.

Weapon: Pistol

Specialty: flag snatching while using no bitching what so ever

Call sing: HCflagsnatcher