These are Hints/cheats my friends and I have learned over our halo playing years. I hope all of our enemies read this so there will be a fair battle.
-Blood Gulch
Drive to blue fort if your looking off of blue fort there will be a ledge running up the side of a rock mountain. Get in a ghost and get a good driving start. Go up the ledge not hitting any walls and staying level. at the end of the ledge take a sharp right turn just as you pass the end. Go up the convex rock line on the nountain faicng up until you stop moving gradually go to your right. Keep facing up! you will hit a large vertical rock. get out and there you will find yourself a good sniping spot. If you wish to go even higher get back in your ghost and find the other ledge going up the rock mountain follow this and continue to go straigh once at top of rock mountain when your in the sky turn and face the ground as slowly as possibel go down the sky until you see a little white ledge jump out on the ledge you should find yourself fairly close to the white mountains. There you will see the whole level because your ontop of BG.
Go to blue fort if looking from blue fort at the field ther is a large cliff to your right where the blue beam out leads. go up the cliff with a tank. Keep driving until you reach the entrance of the next beam out. To your right you will see a concave rock formation in the wall back your tank up the wall so the back is level to the rock. Back up as far as you can. now take a ghost to the same spot and ramp off the tank. This will put you on top of Sidewinder.
-get into rock
take a jeep to the rock between red fort (at blood gulch) and red beam out there back up so that a portion of the rock hangs over the warthog. get into the gunner seat and face the straight out so your back is to the rock get out and you will go into the rock. There you can shoot anything you wish. The only way to die is through explosives (rocket or grenade). To get out simply get back in the jeep.
- warthog jump
Got to a map with large staright fields (BG SW) have a driver drive straight for a while and when he reaches maximum speed turn 180 degrees so your back faces the driver. Then get out this should shoot you up into the air. This allows you jump into a fort or onto a ledge.
Blood Gulch Map
These are a few helpful ways to score at Hang em' High, Blood Gulch, and Sidewinder.
-Hang em' High
Go behing the blue fort and face the flag it should be on the far right of the fort top. jump onto the rock by a running jump start and at peak of jump hold crouch bottom right analogue. this will get you ontop of the rock jump the same way to the ledge then go under the flag an jump this way one last time this will let you score without red fort seeing you.
if you have the flag and you need to score at blue fort find the overhang of the large tunnel running through blue fort jump on this (A and hold crouch) and jump one more time to score. Once again red fort never saw you.
At red fort have a teammate get on top of red fort. then come up the red path way until you have cover behing the wall that seperates blue fort from your sight pass the flag to your firend and hell score before blue team has a chance to see what happened. It is usually best to have another teammate if you have one to run with th flag carrier to take the bullets.
- Blood Gulch
Do the warthog jump into the fort you are attacking this will surprise your enemy and quicken the attack.
At Blue fort you can launch your ghost off a hump. The hump is at the back right of the fort if your behing it. Press A and drive straight and your ontop.
Do the warthog jump ontop of the attcking base you will surprise them when they see you coming down their ladder.
back a tank up so it is facing the field the back should be agianst the fort. Launch a ghost off the tank and you will find yourself on the top part of their fort.
once ontop of Sidewinder walk to your enemy's base slowly walk down the declining hill until your between the lights of the other team. wait there and let a friend go retrieve the enemies flag once they get it make sure your friend goes up the ladder. Tell him to go to the edge of the floor so that he is almost falling off make him jump and throw the flag vertically. You will catch the flag and run back to your base allowing the other team to just wonder where the flag went.
- take off plasma
if a plasma is hooked to your face run to the nearsest wall and pistol whip or malet and it should come off.
throw a plasma ontop of another plasma and it will shoot the top plasma off.