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Buttpirate Theme Song

I over heard the Butt-Pirtaes singing this In Mike's room.  I had to leave before I heard it all because the moaning and screaming became unbearable!

Yo Check It.........


We are the Buttpirates and we are very much gay.

We have gay sex like a horse loves his hay.

We love sucking down south.

But that is only after we stick it in each other's mouth.

I am (BP)Jack the Ripper and my ass was so sore.

I wouldn't even take it from  Aiden my man whore.

Everyday we give and recieve penetration.

When we go to school tomorrow I will walk like I am on my first menistration.

Everynight our bodies lock.

Whether were sticking it in the butt or sucking cock.

At the end of the night our dicks are so bloody.

It looks like a hotdog that got a little muddy.

I am (BP)Bin-Killin and I play Halo best.

But this is only when (BP)Shadow puts me to the test.

Our sphyincters are so cut up and raw.

You would think butt sex every night is a law.

We raped in Halo but we found out butt-sex is our only game.

If you wake up with a bigger butt-hole you have us to blame.

We love to bong zooloodong cocks

Almost as much as we like to fill our pants with socks.

What we're trying to say is that we're STRAIGHT GAY!

We rape in Halo but if the BP invite you over SAY NO WAY!!!


      The Buttpirates according to mike "only rape in Halo."  The Buttpirates being the good team they are took it too far.  First they played around and hit each other in the balls.  But eventually they grabbed each other.  The story goes on and on.  Now the Buttpirates have changed their motto to "We only rape if it is involved with another man!"  We knew it owuld become this way before long though afterall they did name themselves the Buttpirates and they let Aiden get into a small room with matt, mike, and ben.  i think the writing is all over the wall. 

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      The Buttpirates have raped so