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The Halo Confederacy Flag


We are not like the Dirty South that lost the Civil War.  Because unlike the Southern States of American, we will PREVAIL!  After breaking away from the union we were very small and feeble, but we will grow and prosper and become an omnious cloud of DESTRUCTION and DEVASTATION!

More information about the Halo Confederacy

      After successful macabre battle after battle the HALO CONFEDERACY grew in victorious wins.   The  promising Halo Confederacy suffered its first large lost against our long hated enemys the Butt Pirates or as some of you might know the (BP).  This lost struck HC as if being plowed down by a giant covenant deployment ship.  HC thought it was all over.  Luckily after the HC lost to our rival by a close one flag we are still in theis war of clans.  If the battle with the BP did anything beside crush our will to become the best it did make HC want the honorable tilte with even more.  Although they now had a new goal of even greater magnitude than the actual tilte itself.  They wanted to OBLIVERATE the sphincter stealing Butt Pirates.  They will have a chance to do this this christmas break 2003, and trust me THEY WILL!!!    


Halo Confederacy Soldier preparing for battle

Games we like to Play

Boom Boom: Founded Mike Blanton, it is faught in Hang em' High with the only weapons as Rockets and no Radar.  It is a CTF game and we play to 5 flags

CTFpro: The games of all games, the battle takes place in Blood Gulch.  It is also a CTF game and is also played to 5 flags.  There is no radar and only Warthogs.

Vietnam: A pure future vietnam, it is faught at Derilict with human weapons and no radar.  It is again a CTF game but is played to 10 flags

Rat Race TS: A team slayer game full of strategy and quickness.  Played with no radar, No vehicles, friend indicators, generic human weapon set, shields, and no infinite grenades.  Respawn time instant/suicide 10 sec.                                              

Chiron TS Shotguns: An all shotgun team slayer game which tests your strategics and team work.  Played with no radar, No vehicles, friend indicators, generic Shotgun weapon set, shields, and no infinite grenades.  Respawn time instant/suicide 10 sec.

Chill Out TS: Another team slayer game we enjoy dominating at.  Played with no radar, no vehicles, friend indicators, generic human weapon set, shields, and no infinite grenades.Respawn time instant/suicide 10 sec.