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Screen Shot: Hyper Lander 2 Classic


In the year 2552, in the last year of the Covenant invasion of the outer planets, a hero arose, a cyborg known only by the name Master Chief.  He led the Covenant to the edge of space, to a ring world called HALO. It was on HALO that Master Chief learned the grand plan of the Covenant armada.  To destroy humanity and it's homeworld....Earth.  Using the defences of HALO, he destroyed the ringworld and the armada along with it.  The invasion was over.  But the humans didn't know that the Aliens were planning another attack, this time on the home planet, Earth.


Bitch run: going for a flag while driving right by the opposing forces

Stealing kills: finishing off one of the opposing force's members after your comrad weakened him and was not dead.

Invisi gay: the person who picks up invisibility

Brady Bunch: 3 comrades occupying one warthog while the passenger has invisibility

White Mountains: mountains on the right if you are facing red fort

Bitch spot: amazing sniper spot to the right of blue fort

Towers: using a ghost to go up the bitch spot and into a small incaved spot somewhat out of the level, also an amazing sniper spot

Red Hill/Mtns.: hill at red beam out

The Mike Shot: while playing boom boom, he first views the enemy going up the red fortress, he then times it just right and fires at the pillar.  As the enemy reaches the top, he is killed by the rocket.

The Bittle Shot: while playing boom boom, he first locates the enemy near the invisi, he then views them going up the short ramp to red fort.  Then he views him walking across the terrain, and then he fires a rocket at the wall sticking out, when timed it just should kill the enemy walking past

The Chris shot: (from the blue fort's perspective) chris will find an opposing team/person beginning to walk the large upper pathway (at Hang em' High) that leads to the top of red fort past a large stone.  Chris will fire at the a stone ending any life within feet of the stone.